How my journey began

Story time!

Once upon a time, there were two sisters who stumbled upon a big old Victorian home for lease. They looked at one another and said, “Let’s open a salon!” Then they realized they had no business plan, no management skills, and NO IDEA what they were getting into. Luckily, they had a lot of grit and a BIG dream. One sister was in the beauty industry and the other an educator and jewelry designer. So how did they make it work? They learned to pivot at every turn. They learned to grow thicker skin. They began to know when to ask for help and when to call it quits. One sister decided to grow a family and step away from the business. The other sister decided to dig deep and plant roots in the beauty industry. She learned about how to brand herself, scoured the earth for the BEST products in the land, and began investing in herself. She created a community that people wanted to be a part of. She designed a space that others wanted to come and stay all day. She designed a life she loved. Nowadays, she wants nothing more than to help others grow in the beauty industry. She wants to help build self-confidence and shout from the rooftop’s tips on self-care and self-compassion.

Girl Friday

second story